Saturday, April 9, 2011


i've decided to make the switch. tumblr.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that as it is written, "let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord." 

1 corinthians 1:27-31

Tuesday, April 5, 2011



today's a beatles sort of day. they really are classics you know.
akjgah! i want to be them.

Monday, April 4, 2011


i am excited about three things.
1) i got a new bible today!!! ESV thinline (so it fits nicely in my bag or if i'm carrying books) and its black leather and reallly nice and i love it.
2) this last weekend (heather's birthday party!) was one for the books!!! stephie and jessica came up for the weekend and we had a really fun time thrift store shopping and playin with balloons with heather's 4 year old niece penny and staying up til 3 am laying on the kitchen floor talking about movies and coffee and weird bodily functions and jesus and love and every funny thing from joshua. it was just refreshing, they are always a breath of fresh air those girls. i love em to death.
3) the weather!!!!! it has been so wonderful lately. after those 2 weeks of plain rain, i am soo ready for sunny days and lately, thats just what it has been!

something i'm very thankful for is church. the message at church yesterday was soooo crazy good, it was about identity and how my identity needs to be found IN jesus christ and in nothing else. and thats something we've been hearing for our whole lives, or at least i have, especially a lot lately. but you should download the podcast and listen to it (and every one from reality for that matter) here.  (the latest ones are at the top) i love church!


ok so i skipped like 9 days but whatever, i'm busy!!!!!! and i forget that i have a blog obligation.
anyways. for april fools, i played many a joke. i think april fools day is one of my favorite days of the year, its so fun planning a joke to play on someone!!! it makes me feel very clever or something. anyways, the big joke this year was that zach and i were engaged... i tricked my dad, my sister, carl (well ariel tricked carl), zach's cousin john anddd i think thats it. i also tricked zach into thinking carl had just proposed to ariel and that was preettty funny, he even admitted it himself.  its just a fun day with lots of laughing! the kids i babysit were coming up with stuff like this 'max guess what..... i'm staying the night at lizzy's. APRIL FOOLS!!!!!'  and max's big joke was to shake up a can of diet pepsi and give it to seomeone but when he finally did it all and gave it to his friend adam, the soda just like sloowwly fizzled down the side! he still thought it was amazing.

another hilarious thing that happened was this. micah (the 2 year old) and i were in the grocery store and there was an asian-looking man walking by us and all of a sudden micah starts pointing and saying VERY loudly "MISTAH MIAGI MISTAH MIAGI!!!!!" and doesnt stop until the man is out of view! and he was like 2 feet away from us!!!

anyway as you can probably tell, those kids bring me a lot of joy.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


blogs i love

mori girl
daydream lily
bleubird vintage
rockstar diaries
things we all do
my best friend heather
my best friend stephie
her lovely sister jessica
i am mike (an amazing photographer)
100 layer cake ( i wanna get married)
indie pretty projects
adventures in frenzyland (a fine frenzy)
little things we do
three buttons

theres really a lot more but those are the main ones that i always love!

(click on the names, names=links)


wanna know something thats great? well i'll tell ya, oreo klondike ice cream sandwiches!!!!!! also lord of the rings and brunch and tea and going to the drive in and listening to good good music and laughing sooo hard and dancing and being the SILLIEST i can be with the one i love. its so fun. love is fun.


the righteous cry out and the LORD hears them, he delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
psalm 34:17-18


when in doubt, pinky out!

tea parties are lovely.
also, i've found my new favorite drink at starbucks and i'll tell ya what it is, its a zen tea latte with steamed soy milk & a littttle vanilla and its so yum.

also, i am my own gold card member of the starbucks sort, as of yesterday and i am quite proud of myself.