Monday, April 4, 2011


ok so i skipped like 9 days but whatever, i'm busy!!!!!! and i forget that i have a blog obligation.
anyways. for april fools, i played many a joke. i think april fools day is one of my favorite days of the year, its so fun planning a joke to play on someone!!! it makes me feel very clever or something. anyways, the big joke this year was that zach and i were engaged... i tricked my dad, my sister, carl (well ariel tricked carl), zach's cousin john anddd i think thats it. i also tricked zach into thinking carl had just proposed to ariel and that was preettty funny, he even admitted it himself.  its just a fun day with lots of laughing! the kids i babysit were coming up with stuff like this 'max guess what..... i'm staying the night at lizzy's. APRIL FOOLS!!!!!'  and max's big joke was to shake up a can of diet pepsi and give it to seomeone but when he finally did it all and gave it to his friend adam, the soda just like sloowwly fizzled down the side! he still thought it was amazing.

another hilarious thing that happened was this. micah (the 2 year old) and i were in the grocery store and there was an asian-looking man walking by us and all of a sudden micah starts pointing and saying VERY loudly "MISTAH MIAGI MISTAH MIAGI!!!!!" and doesnt stop until the man is out of view! and he was like 2 feet away from us!!!

anyway as you can probably tell, those kids bring me a lot of joy.

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