Sunday, October 31, 2010


yesterday was just wonderful.
we were grocery shopping for about 76 hours trying to find the ingredients for our perfect dinner. (and also carmel apples!!!!!!!)
soo we went to the mexican market, which i've never been to. i thought it was going to be a dingy, dimly lit little thing with just fruits and vegetables and maybe cow intestine or something. but no! alas, it was a huge grocery store with just realllly good prices!! and so bright & colorful.  then we went to the 99cent store and someone backed into jaqui's car....... i was sitting in the back and pretend i got really bad whiplash and also i pulled out the ketchup from my back pocket and squirted it all over me. just kidding, none of that happened except jaqui's car gettin backed into, that really did happen. but it wasn't even bad!!!
after that we hit up fresh & easy and then we wwere home and started making our delicious dinner of mushroom chicken & steamed vegetables & cornbread with honey butter. such the housewives we are! 
ALSO we made carmel apples, which in my opinion is the best fall treat snack of them all! 
(ariel and i kept stealing the carmels and jaqui was like 'girls dont steal anymore carmels or we wont have enough!' but then as soon as she left the room we'd steal more and it was JUST like when i was younger and my mom was cooking something with carmel. it was a fun little part of it)
also we juiced a MILLLIIIIOONNNN apppples. soosoosooooo good.
twas a lovely day indeed!

yay halloween today!

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