Friday, January 7, 2011

lots a good things and one bad thing (7/365)

well last night i got to hang out with brooke and paul greg, two of my favorites. me and brooke ended up staying up alll night accidentally, it was soo great hangin out with her.
and this morning i got to have coffee with my mama and jaime!! (two more of my favorites) but while i was in saxby's coffee with them,  i realized that it was 10:06, three minutes past the time i had put in the parking meter. and. i SAW a meter man PUTTING A TICKET ON MY WINDSHIELD!! three minutes after!! THREE. gosh theyre stingy. so now i gotta pay the city of walnut creek $ it needs more money.
then i slept for like 4 hours. and then my auntie tami came!!!!!!!!!!!! she's visiting for the weekend, we're going to make lefsa!!! :) the best
also.... tomorrow=courtney & carter's wedding!!! soo happy for them two. plus there's going to be a lottt of joshua fam bam there! :)

i'm just quite emotional today.....

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