Saturday, April 9, 2011


i've decided to make the switch. tumblr.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that as it is written, "let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord." 

1 corinthians 1:27-31

Tuesday, April 5, 2011



today's a beatles sort of day. they really are classics you know.
akjgah! i want to be them.

Monday, April 4, 2011


i am excited about three things.
1) i got a new bible today!!! ESV thinline (so it fits nicely in my bag or if i'm carrying books) and its black leather and reallly nice and i love it.
2) this last weekend (heather's birthday party!) was one for the books!!! stephie and jessica came up for the weekend and we had a really fun time thrift store shopping and playin with balloons with heather's 4 year old niece penny and staying up til 3 am laying on the kitchen floor talking about movies and coffee and weird bodily functions and jesus and love and every funny thing from joshua. it was just refreshing, they are always a breath of fresh air those girls. i love em to death.
3) the weather!!!!! it has been so wonderful lately. after those 2 weeks of plain rain, i am soo ready for sunny days and lately, thats just what it has been!

something i'm very thankful for is church. the message at church yesterday was soooo crazy good, it was about identity and how my identity needs to be found IN jesus christ and in nothing else. and thats something we've been hearing for our whole lives, or at least i have, especially a lot lately. but you should download the podcast and listen to it (and every one from reality for that matter) here.  (the latest ones are at the top) i love church!


ok so i skipped like 9 days but whatever, i'm busy!!!!!! and i forget that i have a blog obligation.
anyways. for april fools, i played many a joke. i think april fools day is one of my favorite days of the year, its so fun planning a joke to play on someone!!! it makes me feel very clever or something. anyways, the big joke this year was that zach and i were engaged... i tricked my dad, my sister, carl (well ariel tricked carl), zach's cousin john anddd i think thats it. i also tricked zach into thinking carl had just proposed to ariel and that was preettty funny, he even admitted it himself.  its just a fun day with lots of laughing! the kids i babysit were coming up with stuff like this 'max guess what..... i'm staying the night at lizzy's. APRIL FOOLS!!!!!'  and max's big joke was to shake up a can of diet pepsi and give it to seomeone but when he finally did it all and gave it to his friend adam, the soda just like sloowwly fizzled down the side! he still thought it was amazing.

another hilarious thing that happened was this. micah (the 2 year old) and i were in the grocery store and there was an asian-looking man walking by us and all of a sudden micah starts pointing and saying VERY loudly "MISTAH MIAGI MISTAH MIAGI!!!!!" and doesnt stop until the man is out of view! and he was like 2 feet away from us!!!

anyway as you can probably tell, those kids bring me a lot of joy.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


blogs i love

mori girl
daydream lily
bleubird vintage
rockstar diaries
things we all do
my best friend heather
my best friend stephie
her lovely sister jessica
i am mike (an amazing photographer)
100 layer cake ( i wanna get married)
indie pretty projects
adventures in frenzyland (a fine frenzy)
little things we do
three buttons

theres really a lot more but those are the main ones that i always love!

(click on the names, names=links)


wanna know something thats great? well i'll tell ya, oreo klondike ice cream sandwiches!!!!!! also lord of the rings and brunch and tea and going to the drive in and listening to good good music and laughing sooo hard and dancing and being the SILLIEST i can be with the one i love. its so fun. love is fun.


the righteous cry out and the LORD hears them, he delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
psalm 34:17-18


when in doubt, pinky out!

tea parties are lovely.
also, i've found my new favorite drink at starbucks and i'll tell ya what it is, its a zen tea latte with steamed soy milk & a littttle vanilla and its so yum.

also, i am my own gold card member of the starbucks sort, as of yesterday and i am quite proud of myself.


sigur ros concert!!!!?!??????


for the record these are some of my favorite bands/artists right now.

--bon iver (for always)
--passion pit
--first aid kit
--black keys

yay & amen. you should check em out.


rad passion pit--MGMT mashup. click here

Saturday, March 19, 2011


one good thing for this man in japan--they found his dog!!

Friday, March 18, 2011


i am home. heart=happy.


As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious,  you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.  For it stands in Scripture: “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.”
So the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,” and “A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.” They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do. But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

1 Peter 2:4-10


 pretty much eisley reincarnated as a folk band. (here's the best song!!!!)


dreamcatchers are preettty.


this wedding at 100 layer cake is soo lovely.


decisions, decisions. there are seriously SO many decisions that need to be made in the near future and normally, i would be beyond freaking out and stressed. but i'm not at all, i have an overwhelming peace about it which is frankly amazing at this point. the Lord provides and he is in control and knows and wants whats best for me and the kingdom and that is what is comforting.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


this night is golden.
best friends, starbucks, target, candy, arrested development, cafffeine, passion pit. all of my favorite thangs.

i have soo mannnyyyyy blessssings its ridiculous. i'm so thankful god wanted us to have people and relationships and fun and joy!!!!


starbucks is ridiculous!! i tell ya, i'm addicted.
i'm only 12 stars away from being my own official gold card member!!! yeeyahhh
also their new theme is just great. the mini red velvet pie things are soo good (i know what the actual name is i just dont like saying "whoopie pie") and the lime green decor is lovely!


arrested development!!!!!!!!!

so good

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


some of my favorite favorites

Johnsons' Lavender & Chamomile Lotion:
this lotion always will remind me of being in Israel

Johnson's Honey Apple Baby Wash:
the brand new scent!!!!!! i love it.

Paul Mitchell Awapuhi Moisture Mist:
good for face and hair!

PIXI Vitamin Veil: 
reallly smooth face stuff, i love it
CO Bigelow Mint Lip Gloss (found at Bath & Body):
delicious & refreshing

Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Scrub:
this stuff smells soo good & also exfoliates very nicely!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

extra one

i just saw this on my little sister's blog and its so encouraging that she posted this.

If only…..thats what we whisper when we catch a glimpse of ourselves. If only my eyes were green. If only my nose wasn’t so big. If only i had less freckles. Why can’t i be like her. She’s got everything that i want. When you look in the mirror and see ugly and not good enough, your telling God he messed up. Yeah he only made the stars in the sky, the beautiful sunsets and the ever expanding universe, but he definitely messed up on you right? 
What is our problem? can’t we see God made us the way we are for a reason? he gave us all our strengths and our weaknesses. Nothing God does is wrong. It is always 100% perfect in every way. By us not choosing to see that we not only hurt ourselves but also hurt God. Its hard but honestly, you are who you are for a reason. so stop trying to change that. 
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. -Psalm 139:14

what a smarty little 16 year old.


man oh man, God's teachin me a lot lately. and i'll be honest, i feel pretty lost in it all but the fact that i havent (really) lost my head is better than usual. trust is a big thing, as always, and its not like you learn to trust God and then thats it, poof you never have to learn it again, no its a constant conscious choice allll the time to trust Him. and sometimes (like now) thats all i can do, is trust Him and cast my cares upon him and totally just admit that i cant do anyyythiiingnggggg on my own, i cant not mess everything up without him.
and also right now just knowing that he loves me, is huge.
and so yeah.
i doubt any of that made sense but right now, thats where i'm at.

humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you. 1 peter 5:6-7


vote for my friend jeremiah!!!!!!!!!!
(see video here)


on saturday we went to a show in SLO at the Brew and it was so wonderful. my favorite band was the Sassafrass Union
they're soo good and folky and fun and energetic, they had a violinist, a celloist (?) and the lead singer, ben, played guitar and banjo. plus they had a super super good electric guitar guy and zach's friend jaren was the drummer! it was a great show.
here's a video of them at the show (the song is a conversation between the devil and God and a person!) 


this girl, i tell ya.

we have soo many laughy laughs all the time, i truly treasure her. she's got a huge beautiful free spirited heart.

soo much love.


am i a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God afar off? can a man hide himself in secret places so that i cannot see him? declares the Lord. do i not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord. jeremiah 23:23-24

Thursday, March 3, 2011


relationships are hard stuff man. its hard to not be selfish 100% of the time and its hard trying to put someone before yourself. i'm learning just how selfish i am and it really stinks and its really frustrating and most of the time i just want to ignore it and pass it by but i have to work on it. and working on things is also just hard!!!!!!!!! knowing that there are things wrong with you and that you'll never be able to work your way to being perfect is hard. life is hard. but God is 100% good and true and perfect and faithful and gracious. and because of that i don't have to be perfect. and that is both comforting and wonderful. but its darn hard trying not to be selfish, i tell ya.

thank God for jesus and the cross.


surely i am with you always, even to the end of the age. matthew 28:20


the grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of the Lord stands forever. isaiah 40:8


cheers to mori girls and boys around the world! flora, fauna, merriweather, messages from the universe, spitting, chanting, interrogations, horsies and best best best friends!! cheers to it all. i love it all.

these girls have my heart and i will love them til the end of time


i'm adddicted to TOMS!!!!!!!!


best weekend ever was this weekend.

Friday, February 25, 2011




word from anna's mouth:
"that banana is bullying my lollypop.....he's saying 'you're not healthy, you're not healthy!'

(singing) "my name is maaarrryyyyy, my name is mary, i live on a farm and i can milk cows and change robots batteries, my name is mary i just wanna do what my name is, my name is mary richy, i wanna marry a richy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

" brudder's secret real name is bibbit warrior bot. just so you know."

my job=playing pretend alll the time=best stuff ever.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


little baby baker is here!!!
carter lee!
i have yet to meet him but i already know he's wonderful.
praise Jesus for new life!!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


greek yogurt with honey is the very best taste that has ever entered my mouth.



glory dayz


pray for johnny boy!

his navy ship leaves today for an 8 month tour of the world! pray for safety and guidance and peace. and world peace! just kidding. well.


michael gungor band.
soo rad. the music is good, the lyrics are good. god is not a white man is a rad video, along with the earth is yours, which will always be my favorite.
check out their website.


i am a great sinner but i am soo blessed and i've got the joy of the Lord down in my heart.
thank you Jesus for brokenness and love and learning.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


homemade samoa cookies

6 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup Karo corn syrup lite
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 can of 14 oz sweetened condensed milk (yum)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cups toasted coconut
vanilla wafers
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips

1. in a saucepan, combine butter, sugar and corn syrup. cook on low heat and stir a lot
2. once that comes to a boil, add the sweetened condensed milk. stir/cook until it turns medium golden brown (well, if you have a candy temperature, cook it til it gets to 220-228 degrees). remove from heat and add vanilla
3. add toasted coconut and stir it right up
4. spoon small little roundies onto wax paper on top of a vanilla wafer and let em coool down til theyre hardened. (i put it in the freezer for a few seconds cause i got impatient and hungry)
5. melt chocolate chips in the microwave until its a lovely drizzly texture and drizzle it right on top of those cookies!
6. let the chocolate harden and then eat emmmmm

theyre prettty good.


so we do not lose heart. though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. for this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. 

2 corinthians 4:16-17

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


my best friend is the best best friend in the whole wide world.
he is also romantic and very good at making me feel loved. and he's a good dancer too. and good looking.
and yesterday was the greatest valentines day i ever did have. he had a very nice fancy table set--with flower petals and candles and table cloths and sparkling cider!!! and he made me dinner--tortellinis and garlic bread with an appetizer of candy--and he also put together a very cheesy slideshow of all of our pictures which may or may not gave me tears in my eyes (i dont even care, it was valentines day!!!!!!!).  and then we danced (it was even on the agenda!!!!!!) and layed on the floor. and we also sang some songs and took some pictures (which are to come!) and it was just the greatest romantical night ever!
they dont come sweeter than this guy.


valentines day is the best day out there. a day of lovin your loves. 

i hope your day is full to the brim of love.


this weekend was my favorite.
i went down to visit stephie!!!!!!! we ate soo many cookies and flaming cheeto puffs/puffcorns and other sorts of flaming things and sushi and sweet tea and DORITOS. what didnt we eat, jeez.
also. we had the funnest time ever laughing and remembering memories. she's one of my very favorite people in the entire world. and her family is just as wonderful!!!!
here are some pictures from the weekend
(ps the weird colored ones are from my new holga!!!!!!)

we had 7 cameras between the 3 of us and we felt too trendy for our own good.
love those girls, love this life. i love it allllll